Sleeping poorly complicates life, not only at night but also during the day. Recent studies confirm that an increasing number of Italians suffer from sleep disorders. Yet, few take action to remedy the situation. So here are four simple tips to improve the quality of your sleep.
1. Choose the right pillow
The quality of our sleep depends on various factors, one of which is choosing the right pillow for sleeping. In fact, it is the pillow and how it works for us that determine the quality of our sleep. Pillows can be high, low, hard, soft, fluffy, ergonomic, resilient, breathable, cooling, and so on. Therefore, there can't be one pillow that suits all needs. Choosing the right pillow depends on several factors:
Sleeping position
Desired head height
Elastic response of the pillow
Room temperature
Preference for biocompatibility
2. Maintain the right temperature
An environment that is either too hot or too cold is not conducive to restful sleep. The ideal temperature for sleeping is between 16 and 18°C, while the ideal temperature under the covers around our body is 24/26°C. On the other hand, if the temperature becomes too cold, it will cause chills and muscle contractions, which tend to disturb sleep. Therefore, as mentioned earlier, you should use an appropriate duvet or comforter suited to the room conditions and adjust the temperature based on your body’s needs.
3. Avoid light and sound stimulation
The human brain is wired to stay alert, especially at night, in response to light stimuli and annoying sounds. Noise and light can hinder good sleep, cause unwanted awakenings, and often lead to sudden fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure. This can be solved by using white noise, like the sound of a fan in the summer, or by using specific earplugs. Regarding light, it is important to block all light sources or, at the very least, use a sleep mask for your eyes.
4. Social detox
A separate issue concerns artificial lights: a recent survey revealed that 95% of people use computers, video games, or cell phones just before going to sleep. This habit makes it more difficult to fall asleep, as electronic light sends activation signals to the brain, disrupting the day-night cycle. It is definitely better to keep electronics out of the bedroom at least one hour before going to bed.