
Punto Piuma Home is partnered with HP

Sustainability is a frequent topic nowadays, and more importantly, it serves as a reminder of the civil and ethical responsibility that can no longer be ignored. Our company has been on this path for some time, making clear choices aimed at reducing the environmental impact of production and the processes tied to it.

Renew your business with operational leasing

Il noleggio operativo è una formula alternativa al leasing o al finanziamento bancario, che consente alla tua attività imprenditoriale, dietro pagamento di un canone periodico, di avere la disponibilità immediata del bene per una durata prestabilita, unitamente ad una serie di servizi correlati.

Craftsmen of Made in Italy

In response to the demands of our clients, we are proud to remain a strong pillar of Made in Italy, a value we deeply believe in and a banner under which we work every day to offer our best to consumers.

Our training activity

We are convinced that a professional path aimed at continuously improving the quality of the service offered and a greater awareness of the priorities of one's guests are essential aspects for ensuring a good reputation in the digital landscape and beyond.